President Elect Nominee Jon Scott was selected as the club's Notable Rotarian, and he indeed deserves this honor. Jon has been a member of the club since 2005 and now serves on Board of Directors and as the Sergeant-At-Arms and Club President Elect Designee. Jon is a Paul Harris Fellow and Sustaining Member. He is always willing to pitch in and helps with the club's newsletter and public relations efforts. His classification is Retirement Homes (Wesley Commons).
This is my week to actually work in my regular job, so doing an official DG visit was a bit more stressful while trying to see inpatients, outpatients, give several lectures to the residents, work on recruiting, and a host of other work related tasks. Fortunately we are doing well this year in the residency program. Our recruiting season for new interns is now in full swing. We have received about 600 applications for our 10 positions and have already scheduled 49 interviews over the next 4 months. I also learned this week that our Sports Medicine Fellowship has been re-accredited for five years, the maximum accreditation period. Self Regional Healthcare's new Vice President of Operations and my boss, Mr. Bill Keith, began work this week. John Heydel and Bill Keith worked closely together at Providence Hospital in Columbia, SC several years ago, and John has already began recruiting Bill Keith for the Greenwood Rotary Club. Way to go, John!
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